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With our step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to clean and store your pearls, protect them from damage, and avoid common mistakes that can dull their shine.

Yes, I need some information!

Maintaining and improving the quality of our pearl jewelry is something we usually neglect. The pearl is a beautiful piece of jewelry, of course, we all know that. We often buy pearl jewelry to add a magical touch and flaunt our beauty. But do we pay attention to taking care of it? Oops, I have never thought about this!

Let’s discuss this by understanding…

Why Pearl Jewelry Is Precious?

Why Pearl Jewelry Is Precious?

Pearls are precious because they were originally born in water and they can absorb oils that secrets from your skin throughout the day. Having this advantage of a pearl makes it unique and precious to have one.

Despite they come in a gemstone category, pearls are extremely unique, this is due to the hard fact that they are the only gem that is originally formed and found in a living creature. Unlike others including diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and more, pearls are the only gem that doesn’t require any polishing and cutting before use and simply looks amazing the way they naturally are. Ohh now I know!

But if they are naturally beautiful, why there’s a need to care for them?

Let’s know this in simple language…

Why Do Pearls Need Special Care?

Pearls require special care because they are natural and organic gems comprised of calcium carbonate, unlike other gems material, pearls need more specialized care. They are particularly subject to becoming dull from contact with chemicals including, household cleaners, perfumes we use, hair products, and cosmetics products of all kinds.

A pearl's surface is delicate and susceptible to harm. As opposed to pearls set in brooches, earrings, necklaces, or strands, pearls set in rings and bracelets are more prone to scuffing and scratching. A pearl ring or bracelet should only be worn on special occasions; it is NOT appropriate to wear one when working with your hands.

Pearls should always be the last thing you put on when getting ready and the first thing you take off when you reach home. NEVER use hairspray or perfume when wearing pearl jewelry, particularly a strand of pearls. Much needed, I’ll keep this in mind!

Now I know, pearls are white that’s why we need to take care!

That’s not exactly what it says. Pearls are not only white. I’m so confused now!

Relax, let’s get this by understanding…

What Are The Different Types Of Pearls?

What Are The Different Types Of Pearls?

Pearls can widely be classified into two different types;

  • Freshwater Pearls

  • Saltwater Pearls

Both freshwater and saltwater pearls have unique characteristics. However, because of their scarcity, size, and superior luster, saltwater pearls typically have a higher perceived value.

Different types of pearls:

  1. Freshwater Pearls

  2. Saltwater Pearls

  3. Akoya Pearls

  4. South Sea Pearls

  5. Tahitian Pearls

  6. Biwa Pearls

  7. Baroque Pearls

  8. Keshi Pearls

  9. Seed Pearls

  10. Rice Pearls

  11. Round Pearls

  12. Button Pearls

  13. Coin Pearls

  14. Mabe Pearls (a. k. a. Blister Pearls)

Wow, there are so many that’s quite interesting!

But how can I take care of my pearl jewelry?

Let’s take you through some…

Important Tips To Care For Your Pearls

Your pearls will last long if you provide them a proper care. To keep your pearls beautiful and lustrous, here are some important pearl jewelry tips;

Before storing pearls, gently wipe them with a soft cloth to remove any sweat, perfume, extra oils, or dirt.

Pearls should not be kept close to anything that could scratch them, including jewelry or other objects. Put the pearls in a soft purse, a linen wrap, or both.

Remember that pearls require moisture when storing them, so NEVER place them in an airtight container like a plastic bag.  The pearls may break if the atmosphere is too dry. If you want to store the pearls in a safe or warm area, keep a damp towel handy and try to remove them as soon as you can.

Avoid using hairspray, perfume, cosmetics, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, chlorine bleach, and hydrogen peroxide on pearls since these compounds will harm the pearl surface.

Ensure that you put pearls on after applying makeup, hairspray, and perfume. Chemicals should be avoided at all costs since they will eat holes in the pearl nacre.

Take off your pearls before working out to protect them from sweat.

Avoid getting your pearls wet—don't wash the dishes, take a shower, or go swimming.  The epoxy holding the pearls to their mountings will become less durable due to chlorine in the water, and soaking the silk your pearls are strung on will cause it to spread out and break more quickly.

Avoid storing the pearl necklace by hanging it instead; doing so puts unnecessary strain on the silk and causes the necklace to stretch out.

If you wear pearls monthly, you should restring them once every two to three years, or once a year.  To prevent the pearls from rubbing against one another and wearing away the nacre, make sure that each pearl is knotted separately, ideally with silk. Knots between each pearl may not be desired if the pearls are very small.

Pearls are a special type of gemstone that is both resilient and delicate. It can last for many generations as priceless jewelry with the proper care. So, follow these tips to keep your pearl lustrous and beautiful. That’s quite amazing!

In the end, maintaining your pearls so they look their best is quite very basic. Your pearl jewelry will last for decades if you follow these simple guidelines. Wear your pearls frequently to keep their sea-inspired beauty.

The next time you purchase a pearl necklace for a loved one, share this blog with them and take the opportunity to reconnect and create new memories.

Arisha Jewels
Tagged: Education